Baldwin County
Basic information
Sample name: Baldwin County
Reference: R. A. Norris and D. D. Stamm. 1965. Relative incidence of distress calls or squeals in mist-netted birds. Bird-Banding 36(2):83-88 [ER 710]
Country: United States
State: Alabama
County: Baldwin
Coordinate: 30° 44' N, 87° 43' W
Coordinate basis: based on political unit
Geography comments: "A majority of the birds" were from Baldwin County but "additional records came from Leon County, Florida, and from localities in Georgia and South Carolina" (coordinate based on Baldwin County)
Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest
Substrate: ground surface
WMT: 27.6
CMT: 10.8
MAP: 1665.0
Habitat comments: climate data based on station 72223 (Mobile Regional Airport)
Life forms: birds
Sampling methods: mist nets
Sample size: 738 individuals
Years: 1962, 1963
Sampling comments: collecting effort unclear
Sample number: 1027
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2014-08-15 21:12:08
Modified: 2014-08-15 11:12:08
Abundance distribution
53 species
14 singletons
total count 738
geometric series index: 90.1
Fisher's α: 13.087
geometric series k: 0.9104
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9172
Shannon's H: 3.0140
Good's u: 0.9811
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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