Grant Hall (Layer 3)
Basic information
Sample name: Grant Hall (Layer 3)
Sample aka: Victoria Fossil Cave
Reference: R. A. Fraser and R. T. Wells. 2006. Palaeontological excavation and taphonomic investigation of the late Pleistocene fossil deposit in Grant Hall, Victoria Fossil Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia. Alcheringa 30(S1):147-161 [ER 3083]
Country: Australia
State: South Australia
Coordinate: 37° 2' S, 140° 48' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Time interval: Late Pleistocene
Section: 3083
Unit number: 3
Unit order: above to below
Max Ma: 0.093
Min Ma: 0.076
Age basis: OSL
Geography comments: "within the Victoria Fossil Cave, approximately 50m from the main Fossil Chamber... The age of the Grant Hall fossil deposit has been constrained between 206 ka and 76 ka by uranium-series dating of associated speleothems"
OSL dates on sediments associated with the faunal assemblage range from 93 ± 8 ka to 76 ± 6 ka (Macken et al. 2011).
coordinate based on Naracoorte Caves National Park
OSL dates on sediments associated with the faunal assemblage range from 93 ± 8 ka to 76 ± 6 ka (Macken et al. 2011).
coordinate based on Naracoorte Caves National Park
Lithology: sandstone
Taphonomic context: cave,pitfall trap
Habitat comments: "The fossil-bearing sediments were sandwiched between separate flowstones that covered the limestone base of the cave and overlaid the sediment's surface... The sediments were largely homogeneous, consisting of a mixture of red/brown and pale yellow medium to fine sub-rounded quartz grains, mixed with darker red-brown clay particles... The natural trapping of unwary animals via a pit-fall was therefore proposed as the predominant method by which the large mammal bones came to be in the cave"
Life forms: rodents,other large mammals,other small mammals,birds,lizards,snakes,turtles
Sampling methods: quarry
Sample size: 853 specimens
Years: 2000
Sample number: 3359
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2019-08-26 18:38:15
Modified: 2023-04-29 00:41:20
Abundance distribution
39 species
2 singletons
total count 853
geometric series index: 49.5
Fisher's α: 8.429
geometric series k: 0.8756
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9270
Shannon's H: 3.0204
Good's u: 0.9977
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Notamacropus rufogriseus | 20 | 14 kg |
"Macropus rufogriseus" | ||
Wallabia bicolor | 13 | |
†Procoptodon gilli | 14 | |
"Simosthenurus gilli" | ||
†Simosthenurus maddocki | 2 | |
†Thylacinus cynocephalus | 9 | |
†Thylacoleo carnifex | 7 | |
Vombatus ursinus | 2 | 29 kg |
†Zygomaturus trilobus | 11 | |
Tachyglossus aculeatus | 2 | 2.9 kg insectivore |
Cercartetus nanus | 21 | 18.9 g |
Antechinus flavipes | 33 | |
Dasyurus viverrinus | 2 | |
Phascogale tapoatafa | 4 | |
Sminthopsis crassicaudata | 45 | |
Sminthopsis murina | 15 | |
Perameles gunnii | 31 | |
Perameles bougainville | 42 | |
Petaurus breviceps | 3 | |
Potorous platyops | 5 | |
Potorous tridactylus | 25 | 731 g |
Pseudocheirus peregrinus | 6 | |
Mastacomys fuscus | 2 | |
Notomys mitchellii | 11 | |
Pseudomys apodemoides | 93 | |
Pseudomys australis | 13 | |
Pseudomys auritus | 4 | |
"Pseudomys basalticus" | ||
Pseudomys shortridgei | 57 | |
Pseudomys cf. fumeus | 34 | |
Rattus fuscipes | 67 | |
Rattus lutreolus | 2 | |
Rattus tunneyi | 18 | |
Hydromys chrysogaster | 1 | |
Elapidae indet. | 156 | |
Wonambi naracoortensis | 3 | |
Testudines indet. | 1 | |
"Chelonia indet." | ||
Varanus sp. | 40 | |
Tiliqua nigrolutea | 21 | |
Scincidae indet. | 2 | |
Aves indet. | 16 |