Lamellidens sp. (clam)
Abundance: 0.55 to 17.50% (median 10.84%)
Latitudinal range: 20.3° to 29.5°Habitats: (9) only
Found in 9 samples
India: Girawad (Holocene), Kunal - Period IA (Pre-Harappan - Layer 6) (Holocene), Kunal - Period IB (Early Harappan - Layer 5) (Holocene), Vadnagar (Khari Kui (Primary School-3) Area) (Holocene), Mitathal (Layer 2) (Holocene), Mitathal (Layer 3) (Holocene), Chandankhera (Period III: Satavahana) (Holocene), Chandankhera (Period IV: Vakataka) (Holocene), Agiabir (Period I - Narhan culture) (Holocene)
See also Lamellidens, Lamellidens marginalis