Leonia (tree)
Abundance: 0.07 to 20.91% (median 1.15%)
Latitudinal range: -14.4° to 0.4°Habitats: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (16) only
Found in 16 samples
Bolivia: Buena Vista (BV), Santa Fe (SF)
Brazil: O Deserto (terra firme), O Deserto (vârzea forest), Pico da Neblina National Park, Linha 605 (hectare I), Linha 605 (hectare II), Linha MA-9 (hectare III), Linha MA-9 (hectare IV), Linha MC-2 (hectare V), Linha MC-2 (hectare VI), Peixe-Boi
Peru: San Alejandro (primary forest), Braga-Supay (high restinga), Jenaro Herrera, Tambopata River (without bamboo)
See also Leonia crassa, Leonia glycicarpa, Leonia glycycarpa, Leonia racemosa, Leonia sp.