Sapotaceae indet. (tree)

Abundance: 0.07 to 2.49% (median 0.31%)

Latitudinal range: -22.6° to 5.4°

Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (3), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (3)

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Found in 6 samples

Brazil: Swampy Gallery Forest (Plot 2), O Deserto (terra firme), Parque Natural Municipal do Curió

Gabon: Moukalaba-Doudou National Park (Grid #25)

Malaysia: Timbah Virgin Jungle Reserve

Peru: Braga-Supay (high restinga)

See also Sapotaceae, Sapotaceae indet. "Fine Leaf", Sapotaceae indet. "barataballi", Sapotaceae indet. 1, Sapotaceae indet. 2, Sapotaceae indet. 3, Sapotaceae indet. 4, Sapotaceae indet. 5, Sapotaceae indet. 6, Sapotaceae indet. 7, Sapotaceae indet. 8, Sapotaceae indet. A, Sapotaceae indet. B, Sapotaceae indet. \"Guajara de leite\", Sapotaceae indet. \"Wallaba Forest\", Sapotaceae indet. \"barataballi\", Sapotaceae indet. \"fine leaf of Wallaba Forest\", Sapotaceae indet. \"fine leaf\", Sapotaceae indet. \"kakarwa\", Sapotaceae indet. \"kokeritiballi\", Sapotaceae indet. \"kudibiushi\", Sapotaceae indet. \"saramakushi\"