Basic information
Sample name: McIntosh
Sample aka: 25BW15
Reference: A. Koch. 1995. The McIntosh fauna: late prehistoric exploitation of lake and prairie habitats in the Nebraska Sand Hills. Plains Anthropologist 40:39-60 [ER 3144]
Country: United States
State: Nebraska
County: Chase
Coordinate: 40° 25' N, 101° 31' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Time interval: Holocene
Max Ma: 0.00065
Min Ma: 0.00051
Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)
Geography comments: "along the southeast shore of Enders Lake" (coordinate based on Enders Dam)
there are accepted uncalibrated radiocarbon dates of 510 +/- 40 and 650 +/- 60 BP
there are accepted uncalibrated radiocarbon dates of 510 +/- 40 and 650 +/- 60 BP
Lithology: not described
Taphonomic context: human accumulation,midden,paleosol,settlement
Archaeology: bone tools,buildings,ceramics,stone tools
Habitat comments: "The cultural deposit is contained within a 5-10 cm band of dark gray mottled paleosol mantled with sandy sod overburden of varying thickness. The excavated feature inventory includes a 3.0 x 5.5 m oval stained 'midden' area" with post molds, pits, and "bone or artifact concentrations" that include "ceramics, chipped stone tools and debris, ground stone, modified bone, pigment, and galena"
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,lizards,snakes,turtles,frogs,fishes
Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash,surface
Sample size: 2759 specimens
Years: 1987 - 1989
Sampling comments: "surface collections, controlled testing, excavation of pit features, and transit mapping" and "with the exception of test squares, which were 1/4 inch dry-screened, all excavated matrix was water-screened through 1/16 inch mesh"
Sample number: 3438
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2019-09-01 17:55:53
Modified: 2023-02-25 10:52:04
Abundance distribution
42 species
9 singletons
total count 2759
geometric series index: 63.8
Fisher's α: 7.029
geometric series k: 0.8411
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7450
Shannon's H: 1.9071
Good's u: 0.9967
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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