Macrognathomys sp. (rodent)

Abundance: 0.15 to 0.42%

Latitudinal range: 39.1° to 43.4°

Habitats: (2) only

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Found in two samples

United States: Quartz Basin (UOloc 2465) (Middle Miocene), WaKeeney (UM-K6-59) (Late Miocene)

Size measurements:
M1 length0.94 mmN = 1Shotwell 1968
M1 width0.86 mmN = 1Shotwell 1968
P4 length0.46 mmN = 1Shotwell 1968
P4 width0.57 mmN = 1Shotwell 1968

See also Macrognathomys, Macrognathomys gemmacollis