Neotamias malloryi (extinct rodent)
Variant names: Eutamias malloryi

Abundance: 4.76%

Habitats: (1) only

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Found in one sample

United States: Wilbur Locality (Late Miocene)

Size measurements:
m1 length1.3 mmN = 1Martin and Mallory 2011
m1 width1.6 mmN = 1Martin and Mallory 2011
m2 length1.3 mmN = 1Martin and Mallory 2011
m2 width1.6 mmN = 1Martin and Mallory 2011
p4 length1.3 mmN = 1Martin and Mallory 2011
p4 width1.4 mmN = 1Martin and Mallory 2011

See also Neotamias, Neotamias amoenus, Neotamias dorsalis, Neotamias minimus, Neotamias sonomae, Neotamias sp., Neotamias speciosus, Neotamias umbrinus