SELECT p.first_name AS contributor_first,p.last_name AS contributor_last,p2.first_name AS enterer_first,p2.last_name AS enterer_last,t.* FROM people p,people p2,samples t,register t2 WHERE t.contributor_no=p.person_no AND t.enterer_no=p2.person_no AND t.sample_no=t2.sample_no AND genus='Bebearia' AND species='flaminia' GROUP BY t.sample_no SELECT life_form FROM register WHERE genus='Bebearia' LIMIT 1 SELECT corrected_richness AS estimate FROM samples WHERE sample_no=1172 SELECT corrected_richness AS estimate FROM samples WHERE sample_no=1316 SELECT genus FROM register WHERE register_no IN (99804,52296,72704,26090,15889,39514,38169,70685,76215,44295) AND species REGEXP '^[a-z]*$'