Mass: 76.6 g based on Bowles et al. 1979, Barquez et al. 1999, Bernard 2001, Lawlor 1973, Mena 2010, Patterson et al. 1996, and Schondube et al. 2001
Diet: carnivore based on Van Cakenberghe et al. 2002, Castro-Luna et al. 2007, Andrade et al. 2008, Ortêncio-Filho and Reis 2009, da Cunha et al. 2011, de la Peña-Cuéllar et al. 2012, Moras et al. 2013, and Nobre et al. 2013; frugivore-insectivore based on Giannini and Kalko 2004; insectivore based on Dumont and Nicolay 2006 and Klingbell and Willig 2009; insectivore-carnivore based on Patterson et al. 1996 and Miranda et al. 2015; omnivore based on Bernard 2002
Abundance: 0.05 to 3.31% (median 0.47%)
Latitudinal range: -23.1° to 18.4°Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (10), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (11), tropical/subtropical savanna (5), tropical/subtropical wetland (1)
Found in 27 samples
Bolivia: EspÃritu
Brazil: Pousada das Araras, Panga Ecological Reserve, Area de Pesquisas Ecológicas do Guamâ, Alter do Chäo, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project Reserves 1501 and 1401, Una (forests), Amanä Sustainable Development Reserve (terra firme high-water under-storey), Serra Negra (south slope), Serra Negra (north slope), Middle Säo Francisco River, Sonora, Campo Verde, Mata Godoy, Fazenda Congonhas (native woodland), Fazenda Congonhas (reforested area), Una (cabrucas), Curió Municipal Natural Park, Médio Rio Teles Pires
Guatemala: Tikal
Guyana: Burro-Burro River, Kurupukari
Mexico: Los Tuxtlas Biological Research Station (shaded plantation bats)
Peru: Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo-Mishana, Valle de Pozuzo
Venezuela: Monumento Natural Pico Codazzi (nivel alto), Mayorica
♀ body mass | 89.0 g | N = 1 | Bowles et al. 1979 |
♂ body mass | 75 g | N = 1 | Bowles et al. 1979 |
♂ body mass | 77 g | N = 1 | Bowles et al. 1979 |
body mass | 80.0 g | N = 1 | Barquez et al. 1999 |
body mass | 90.0 g | N = 1 | Barquez et al. 1999 |
body mass | 65.0 g | N = 2 | Bernard 2001 |
body mass | 80.9 g | N = 1 | Lawlor 1973 |
body mass | 71 g | N = 1 | Mena 2010 |
body mass | 84.4 g | N = 1 | Patterson et al. 1996 |
body mass | 70 g | N = 1 | Schondube et al. 2001 |
♂ forearm length | 82 mm | N = 1 | Thomas 1905 |
♂ forearm length | 83 mm | N = 1 | Thomas 1905 |
See also Chrotopterus