Felsotarkany 3/2
Basic information
Sample name: Felsotarkany 3/2
Reference: J. HÃr. 2004. The Middle Miocene (late Astaracian, MN7-8) rodent fauna of Felsotarkany 3/2 (Hungary). Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 4:125-136 [ER 2361]
Country: Hungary
Coordinate: 47.97° N, 20.42° E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Time interval: Middle Miocene
Zone: MN7/8
Geography comments: "in an erosional trench 80 m NE from the yard of the wine bottling manufactory 'Vitavin Kft.'." (coordinate based on Felsotarkany)
"late MN 7-8"
"late MN 7-8"
Substrate: ground surface
Habitat comments: no details given
Life forms: rodents
Sampling methods: screenwash
Sample size: 748 specimens
Years: 2000 - 2002
Sampling comments: "During the last 3 years 8 tones of sediment were washed"
Sample number: 2534
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2017-02-14 19:08:28
Modified: 2023-09-08 11:54:31
Abundance distribution
16 species
1 singleton
total count 748
geometric series index: 18.8
Fisher's α: 2.875
geometric series k: 0.6699
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6715
Shannon's H: 1.6981
Good's u: 0.9987
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
• Find matching samples
Trogontherium minutum = Euroxenomys minutus | 7 | |
†Spermophilinus bredai | 38 | |
"Spermophilus bredai" | ||
Albanensia grimmi | 18 | |
Hylopetes sp. | 4 | |
Blackia miocaenica | 10 | |
†Muscardinus aff. sansaniensis | 16 | |
Muscardinus sp. | 3 | |
Glirulus sp. | 9 | |
†Paraglirulus aff. werenfelsi | 1 | |
†Myoglis meini | 26 | |
†Eomyops oppligeri | 12 | |
†Keramidomys mohleri | 9 | |
†Megacricetodon minutus | 39 | |
†Eumyarion medius | 42 | |
Collimys dobosi | 407 | |
"Collimys n. sp.": described by Hir 2005 | ||
Anomalomys gaudryi | 107 |