Ichigkat Muja - Cordillera del Cóndor National Park (2018)
Basic information
Sample name: Ichigkat Muja - Cordillera del Cóndor National Park (2018)
Reference: J. J. Scullion, J. Fahrenholz, V. Huaytalla, E. M. Rengifo, and E. Lang. 2021. Mammal conservation in Amazonia's protected areas: A case study of Peru's Ichigkat Muja - Cordillera del Cóndor National Park. Global Ecology and Conservation 26:e01451 [ER 3391]
Country: Peru
State: Amazonas
Coordinate: 3° 19' S, 78° 7' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Geography comments: Cordillera del Cóndor National Park (CNP) is "located in the department of Amazonas, Peru, and along the border with Ecuador"
"The study area is located within CNP and covers 111 square km across an elevation gradient of 223–713 m"
"The study area is located within CNP and covers 111 square km across an elevation gradient of 223–713 m"
Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest
Protection: national/state park
Substrate: ground surface
Disturbance: hunting,selective logging
MAT: 24.0
MAP: 3450.0
Habitat comments: "The average annual rainfall of the CNP ranges from 2400 mm to 4500 mm"
"The site is covered with tropical lowland rainforest and pre-montane forests and is located between the steep slopes of the Cóndor Mountains and the Santiago River"
"As of 2016, 86% of the study area was categorized as “intact forest landscapeâ€. There is no history of commercial logging or agriculture inside CNP"
"However, the study area is categorized as a ‘Recovery Zone’ due to historical damage from selective logging, hunting, and three regional conflicts waged between Peru and Ecuador in the 20th century"
"The indigenous Peruvian Wampis communities near the CNP ... have access to large areas of forest to hunt"
"The site is covered with tropical lowland rainforest and pre-montane forests and is located between the steep slopes of the Cóndor Mountains and the Santiago River"
"As of 2016, 86% of the study area was categorized as “intact forest landscapeâ€. There is no history of commercial logging or agriculture inside CNP"
"However, the study area is categorized as a ‘Recovery Zone’ due to historical damage from selective logging, hunting, and three regional conflicts waged between Peru and Ecuador in the 20th century"
"The indigenous Peruvian Wampis communities near the CNP ... have access to large areas of forest to hunt"
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals
Sampling methods: automatic cameras
Sample size: 834 captures or sightings
Years: 2018
Days: 105
Seasons: dry
Nets or traps: 24
Net or trap nights: 1976
Camera type: digital
Cameras paired: no
Trap spacing: 2
Sampling comments: "Two field seasons of camera trap data were collected by placing camera traps along a regular grid of 24 sampling points at a density of one camera per 2 km"
"The cameras were deployed ... entering the dry season ... from July 7th - October 20th, 2018 and July 23rd – October 30th, 2019"
"Browning Strikeforce and Bushnell Trophy Cam cameras were used"
"Cameras were placed 30–50 cm from the ground and located within 100 m of each GPS-referenced sampling point along paths, creeks, and other sites of animal activity"
"In the 2018 survey, 826 images of 18 mammal species were captured in 1976 trap nights", although data for only 15 species are recorded in the table (Appendix D)
"The cameras were deployed ... entering the dry season ... from July 7th - October 20th, 2018 and July 23rd – October 30th, 2019"
"Browning Strikeforce and Bushnell Trophy Cam cameras were used"
"Cameras were placed 30–50 cm from the ground and located within 100 m of each GPS-referenced sampling point along paths, creeks, and other sites of animal activity"
"In the 2018 survey, 826 images of 18 mammal species were captured in 1976 trap nights", although data for only 15 species are recorded in the table (Appendix D)
Sample number: 3770
Contributor: Benjamin Carter
Enterer: Benjamin Carter
Created: 2021-06-07 15:05:26
Modified: 2021-06-07 05:05:26
Abundance distribution
15 species
3 singletons
total count 834
geometric series index: 21.4
Fisher's α: 2.597
geometric series k: 0.6525
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6972
Shannon's H: 1.5357
Good's u: 0.9964
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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