Pirincay (Early)
Basic information
Sample name: Pirincay (Early)
Reference: G. R. Miller and A. L. Gill. 1990. Zooarchaeology at Pirincay, a Formative Period site in highland Ecuador. Journal of Field Archaeology 17(1):49-68 [ER 3405]
Country: Ecuador
Coordinate: 2° 49' S, 78° 46' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map
Time interval: Holocene
Section: 3405
Unit number: 1
Unit order: below to above
Ma: 0.00295
Age basis: radiocarbon (calibrated)
Geography comments: "2º 47' S, 78º W... on a spur overlooking the RÃo Paute, some 2 km south of the town of Paute"
there are "18 radiocarbon dates ranging from 1220 +/- 120 b.c. to a.c. 190 +/- 45" but no details are given and they may be uncalibrated
"The three biostratigraphic components" are Early, Transition, and Late, respectively dated to about 1000 B.C., 300 B.C., and A.C. 100
there are "18 radiocarbon dates ranging from 1220 +/- 120 b.c. to a.c. 190 +/- 45" but no details are given and they may be uncalibrated
"The three biostratigraphic components" are Early, Transition, and Late, respectively dated to about 1000 B.C., 300 B.C., and A.C. 100
Lithology: not described
Taphonomic context: human accumulation,midden
Archaeology: buildings,ceramics,hearths
Habitat comments: there are clearly ceramics throughout the section
"the Early component consists basically of... a series of floors interspersed with midden and quantities of burnt wattle and daub"; six "white-tail deer bones had been butchered"
there are "butchery marks and fracture patterns" on Transition period deer bones
during the Late interval the deposit resulted from "dumping fresh garbage onto the floors of abandoned houses"
"the Early component consists basically of... a series of floors interspersed with midden and quantities of burnt wattle and daub"; six "white-tail deer bones had been butchered"
there are "butchery marks and fracture patterns" on Transition period deer bones
during the Late interval the deposit resulted from "dumping fresh garbage onto the floors of abandoned houses"
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,snails
Sampling methods: quarry
Sample size: 80 specimens
Years: 1984 - 1986
Sampling comments: first collected in 1972 and 1980, but "full-scale" excavation "began in 1984 and continued until 1987... The faunal remains analyzed here were recovered from 57.5 cu m of deposits excavated during the first three seasons"
indeterminate specimens include cervids (six), Sylvilagus (eight), and mammals (four)
indeterminate specimens include cervids (six), Sylvilagus (eight), and mammals (four)
Sample number: 3787
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2021-06-09 21:30:26
Modified: 2023-04-29 03:53:25
Abundance distribution
8 species
1 singleton
total count 80
geometric series index: 12.0
Fisher's α: 2.213
geometric series k: 0.5947
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6937
Shannon's H: 1.5008
Good's u: 0.9881
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Odocoileus virginianus | 19 | 75 kg herbivore |
Mazama sp. | 7 | |
Sylvilagus brasiliensis | 8 | |
Puma concolor | 2 | 49 kg carnivore |
"Felis concolor" | ||
Canidae indet. | 3 | |
Rodentia indet. | 1 | |
Aves indet. | 2 | |
Gastropoda indet. | 38 |