Piedras Blancas National Park
Basic information
Sample name: Piedras Blancas National Park
Reference: M. R. W. Beal, P. J. Matzinger, R. G. SaborÃo, J. N. Bristan, and E. R. Olson. 2020. Survey of medium-sized and large mammals of Piedras Blancas National Park, Costa Rica. Check List 16(4):939-950 [ER 3459]
Country: Costa Rica
State: Puntarenas
Coordinate: 8° 42' N, 83° 12' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text as range
Geography comments: "Piedras Blancas National Park covers a 148 km2 tract of land located near the town of Golfito, in the Puntarenas province of southern Costa Rica"
Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest
Protection: national/state park
Substrate: ground surface
MAT: 27.0
Habitat comments: "The park is in the tropical wet forest life-zone ... and stretches from sea level to 579 m of elevation"
"The nearby town of Golfito receives about 571 mm of rain in the wet season (May through mid-November) and 251 mm of rain in the dry season (mid-November through April) on average"
"Mean annual temperature is 26.6 °C and 27 °C in the wet and dry seasons, respectively"
"The nearby town of Golfito receives about 571 mm of rain in the wet season (May through mid-November) and 251 mm of rain in the dry season (mid-November through April) on average"
"Mean annual temperature is 26.6 °C and 27 °C in the wet and dry seasons, respectively"
Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals
Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras,visual
Sample size: 1004 captures or sightings
Years: 2016 - 2018
Nets or traps: 22
Net or trap nights: 1440
Camera type: digital
Cameras paired: no
Sampling comments: "We installed five to seven cameras (Reconyx Hyperfire PC800, Bushnell Aggressor) for each sampling season, between April and November in 2016, 2017, and 2018"
"In 2017, all five cameras were subsequently moved to new locations after approximately 90 days to improve the spatial coverage of our survey"
"We installed cameras in unpaired camera stations spaced between 1.6 and 3.4 km apart at roughly 1 m above ground, and adjacent to the trail ... in areas with a relatively high abundance of wildlife"
"We programmed cameras ... to take a burst of three photographs with a less than one second interval between each photograph, and no refractory period (rapid-fire) between events"
"We defined an event as any photo-series of a species, and we considered multiple photographs of the same individual(s) within 30 min to be the same event"
"Cameras operated 24 hours a day"
"We also recorded all arboreal mammal observations while walking to camera stations in 2018"
"In 2017, all five cameras were subsequently moved to new locations after approximately 90 days to improve the spatial coverage of our survey"
"We installed cameras in unpaired camera stations spaced between 1.6 and 3.4 km apart at roughly 1 m above ground, and adjacent to the trail ... in areas with a relatively high abundance of wildlife"
"We programmed cameras ... to take a burst of three photographs with a less than one second interval between each photograph, and no refractory period (rapid-fire) between events"
"We defined an event as any photo-series of a species, and we considered multiple photographs of the same individual(s) within 30 min to be the same event"
"Cameras operated 24 hours a day"
"We also recorded all arboreal mammal observations while walking to camera stations in 2018"
Sample number: 3817
Contributor: Benjamin Carter
Enterer: Benjamin Carter
Created: 2021-06-15 15:38:59
Modified: 2021-06-15 05:46:56
Abundance distribution
19 species
4 singletons
total count 1004
geometric series index: 26.8
Fisher's α: 3.325
geometric series k: 0.7092
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7137
Shannon's H: 1.7536
Good's u: 0.9960
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Mazama temama | 13 | |
Dicotyles tajacu | 194 | 21 kg browser |
"Pecari tajacu" | ||
Herpailurus yagouaroundi | 1 | 5.4 kg carnivore |
Leopardus pardalis | 29 | 8.4 kg carnivore |
Leopardus wiedii | 4 | 2.6 kg carnivore |
Puma concolor | 31 | 49 kg carnivore |
Eira barbara | 36 | 4.3 kg frugivore-carnivore |
Nasua narica | 83 | 4.6 kg frugivore-invertivore |
Procyon lotor | 5 | 5.5 kg carnivore-granivore |
Dasypus novemcinctus | 35 | 4.4 kg invertivore |
Didelphis marsupialis | 11 | 1.1 kg insectivore-carnivore |
Tapirus bairdii | 1 | 275 kg browser-frugivore |
Tamandua mexicana | 15 | 4.5 kg |
Alouatta palliata | 1 | 5.2 kg |
Ateles geoffroyi | 1 | 7.8 kg |
Cebus capucinus | 3 | 3.1 kg |
Saimiri oerstedii | 3 | 855 g |
Cuniculus paca | 52 | 7.4 kg frugivore |
Dasyprocta punctata | 486 | 2.7 kg frugivore |