Mass: 11.9 g based on Meyer et al. 2008, Patterson et al. 1996, and Stephan et al. 1981
Diet: frugivore based on Patterson et al. 1996, Dumont 1997, Giannini and Kalko 2004, Kalko et al. 2008, and Loayza and Loiselle 2009
Abundance: 0.22 to 4.84% (median 1.32%)
Latitudinal range: -14.7° to 8.8°Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (3), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (6)
Found in 9 samples
Bolivia: Beni Biological Station–Biosphere Reserve (forest islands), Beni Biological Station–Biosphere Reserve (continuous forest)
Brazil: Amanä Sustainable Development Reserve (terra firme high-water under-storey)
Colombia: MonterÃa, La Reserva Natural La Montaña del Ocaso
Costa Rica: Rincón de Osa
Peru: Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo-Mishana, Santa Marta, Mishana
body mass | 12.2 g | N = 1 | Meyer et al. 2008 |
body mass | 11.6 g | N = 1 | Patterson et al. 1996 |
body mass | 12.0 g | N = 2 | Stephan et al. 1981 |
See also Carollia, Carollia benkeithi, Carollia brevicauda, Carollia perspicillata, Carollia sowelli, Carollia sp., Carollia spp., Carollia subrufa