Basic information
Sample name: Gashua
Reference: L. Wakawa, A. Suleiman, I. Yakubu, and L. Adam. 2017. Tree species biodiversity of a Sahelian ecosystem in north-east Nigeria. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry 19(2):166-173 [ER 2772]
Country: Nigeria
State: Yobe
Coordinate: 12° 52' 5" N, 11° 2' 47" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Geography comments: "in Bade Local Government Area, Yobe State... between 12052' 5''N and
1102'47''E" (this apparently means 12º 52' 5" N, 11º 2' 47" E, which is the Wikipedia coordinate for Gashua)
1102'47''E" (this apparently means 12º 52' 5" N, 11º 2' 47" E, which is the Wikipedia coordinate for Gashua)
Habitat: tropical/subtropical savanna
Substrate: ground surface
MAP: 750.0
Habitat comments: "the vegetation zone is Sahel"
MAP 500 to 1000 mm
MAP 500 to 1000 mm
Life forms: trees
Sites: 12
Site area: 1.92
Sampling methods: quadrat
Sample size: 174 individuals
Size min: 10
Basal area: 14.99
Sampling comments: "The study area is stratified into three (3) sites... In each of the strata (site), transects of 1000m length were laid. Sample plots of 40m x 40m in size were established in alternate position along each transect at 40m interval; summing up to 4 plots per 1000m transect and a total of 12 plots in the study area... A total of one hundred and seventy four (174) trees were counted in the study area" and this is the total of counts in the table, although the column is labelled "N/ha"
Sample number: 2966
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2018-05-29 19:04:05
Modified: 2018-05-29 09:04:05
Abundance distribution
14 species
3 singletons
total count 174
geometric series index: 22.9
Fisher's α: 3.588
geometric series k: 0.7181
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7355
Shannon's H: 1.7510
Good's u: 0.9829
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Vachellia nilotica | 5 | |
"Acacia nilotica" | ||
Senegalia senegal | 1 | |
"Acacia senegal" | ||
Vachellia seyal | 74 | |
"Acacia seyel" | ||
Adansonia digitata | 3 | |
Terminalia leiocarpa | 2 | |
"Anogeisus leiocarpus" | ||
Azadirachta indica | 45 | |
Balanites aegyptiaca | 15 | |
Bauhinia rufescens | 2 | |
Faidherbia albida | 6 | |
Hyphaene thebaica | 3 | |
"Hyphania thebaica" | ||
Maerua crassifolia | 5 | |
Phoenix dactylifera | 1 | |
Tamarindus indica | 11 | |
Ziziphus spinachristi | 1 |