Valle de Pozuzo
Basic information
Sample name: Valle de Pozuzo
Reference: J. L. Mena. 2010. Respuestas de los murciélagos a la fragmentación del bosque en Pozuzo, Perù. Revista Peruana de BiologÃa 17(3):277-284 [ER 1203]
Country: Peru
State: Oxapampa
Coordinate: 10° 4' S, 75° 33' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map
Geography comments: altitude 900 to 1200 m
Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest
Substrate: ground surface
MAT: 22.6
MAP: 2300.0
Habitat comments: the region is "caracterizado por la presencia de zonas antrópicas y remanentes de bosque siempreverde subandino"
there is a dry season from May to October but the amount of rainfall during these months is not indicated
there is a dry season from May to October but the amount of rainfall during these months is not indicated
Life forms: bats
Sites: 5
Sampling methods: no design,mist nets
Sample size: 256 individuals
Years: 1996
Days: 30
Net or trap nights: 72
Sampling comments: "En cada localidad se colocaron de dos a tres redes de neblina a nivel del suelo (3 x 12 m, ojo de malla de 30 mm), las cuales fueron abiertas desde las 18:00 hasta las 00:00 horas."
although net meters and hours are reported and not net counts per se, the total number of net meters (864) and the fixed net length implies that there were 72 net nights
although net meters and hours are reported and not net counts per se, the total number of net meters (864) and the fixed net length implies that there were 72 net nights
Sample number: 1738
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2015-08-17 19:48:26
Modified: 2015-08-17 09:48:26
Abundance distribution
42 species
9 singletons
total count 256
geometric series index: 73.7
Fisher's α: 14.284
geometric series k: 0.9163
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9327
Shannon's H: 3.1415
Good's u: 0.9651
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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