Abundance: 0.02 to 100.00% (median 6.71%)
Latitudinal range: -43.4° to 49.4°Habitats: (72), Mediterranean woodland (6), desert/xeric shrubland (4), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (15), temperate coniferous forest (2), temperate savanna (3), temperate wetland (1), tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (37), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (58), tropical/subtropical savanna (12)
Found in 210 samples
Algeria: Kehailia and Benaouali
Argentina: Pedro Gómez Cello, Santa Fe City, Buenos Aires Province, LanÃn National Park
Australia: Black Mountain Road (narrow road-clearing sites), Black Mountain Road (wide road-clearing sites), Carlo, Cravens Peak, and Ethabuka, Camp Creek Sandstone (capture-mark-release), Rintoul Creek Road, Thiaki Creek Nature Refuge (pasture), Gnangara Groundwater System (pitfall traps), Danbulla National Park (Site A), Brunswick Heads Bypass, Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, Melaleuca and Claytons (tall scrub), Huntly Mine (mammals), Southern Atherton Tableland, Beerwah (scribbly gum forest), Dinner Creek, Kangaroo Valley (low cattle disturbance), Ben Boyd National Park and Nadgee Nature Reserve, Grant Hall (Layer 1) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall (Layer 2) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall (Layer 3) (Late Pleistocene), Jervis Bay (Elliott traps in trees), Jervis Bay (ground-based Elliott traps), Bomaderry Creek (Level 1) (Holocene), Bomaderry Creek (Level 2) (Holocene), Hay Cave (SU3) (Late Pleistocene), QML1396 (Horizon D) (Late Pleistocene), QML796 (Horizon A1) (Late Pleistocene), QML796 (Horizon A4) (Late Pleistocene), QML796 (Horizon A7) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit B) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit C) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit D) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit E) (Late Pleistocene), Wee Jasper 99 (Pleistocene - Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 2 (Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 3 (Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 4 (Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 5 (Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 6 (Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 7A (Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 7B (Pleistocene - Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 7C (Pleistocene - Holocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 7D (Late Pleistocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 8 (Late Pleistocene), Kutikina Cave (Unit 2) (Late Pleistocene), Caladenia Cave (Group D) (Holocene), Caladenia Cave (Group E) (Holocene), Caladenia Cave (Group F) (Holocene), Caladenia Cave (Group G) (Holocene), Caladenia Cave (Group H) (Holocene), Caladenia Cave (Group I) (Holocene), Caladenia Cave (Group J) (Holocene), Widgingarri Rockshelter 1 (Lower Horizon) (Late Pleistocene), Amphitheatre Cave (Holocene), McEachern’s Deathtrap Cave (G-49) (Pleistocene - Holocene), Tight Entrance Cave (Unit J) (Late Pleistocene), Tight Entrance Cave (Unit H) (Late Pleistocene), Tight Entrance Cave (Units E-G) (Late Pleistocene), Tight Entrance Cave (Unit E*) (Late Pleistocene), Tight Entrance Cave (Unit D) (Late Pleistocene), Mammoth Cave (Late Pleistocene), Beehive Cave (Holocene), Blanche Cave (Third Chamber) (Late Pleistocene)
Bangladesh: Joydebpur, Atora Hill, Patharia Hill, Rajkandi, Tarap Hill
Belize: Cockscomb Basin Forest Reserve (dry, open woodland), Cockscomb Basin Forest Reserve (moist, closed woodland)
Brazil: Ilhas do Barbados (fragment A), Angatuba (native vegetation), Uberlãndia, Refrigério and Tranqüilidade, Devonian Scarp
Cambodia: Vat Komnou (Holocene)
Central African Republic: Salo2 (small mammals)
Chile: Burca, Melefquén (May), Melefquén (June)
China: Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island, Dujingyan, Duling, Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, Shuangta (Holocene), Gouwan (Holocene), Muzhuzhuliang (Holocene), Wuyun Cave (Middle Pleistocene)
Colombia: San Marcos (urban), San Marcos (rural), Necoclà (urban), Necoclà (rural), Sincelejo
Costa Rica: Altura
Ethiopia: Chebera Churchura National Park (grassland), Chebera Churchura National Park (agricultural field)
France: Boult-aux-Bois (2010), Briquenay (2010), Massereau
India: Vellore, Tranquebar Taluk (February 1993 to January 1994), Shahabad, Takalghat (Holocene), Vadnagar (Khari Kui (Primary School-3) Area) (Holocene), Mitathal (Layer 2) (Holocene), Mitathal (Layer 3) (Holocene), Chandankhera (Period IV: Vakataka) (Holocene), Kotada Bhadli (Holocene)
Indonesia: Air Manis, Koto Rantang, Malalayang, Kinilow, Manggar Baru, Bukit Bangkirai, Loji, Cihamerang, Jakarta, Melong Asihm, Lore Lindu National Park (M2, lower montane), Lada Estate, Block A North-West (NF1), Block A North-West (NF2), PT. REA Kaltim Estates, PTSRH and PT SHJ, Bawean Island (wet season), Bawean Island (dry season), Kelangurr Cave (Late Pleistocene)
Iran: Zarqan County, Chabahar County
Israel: Nahal Alexander National Park (control), Qesem Cave (Concentration 2) (Middle Pleistocene)
Italy: Caverna degli Orsi (sondage A, Unit 10.1) (Late Pleistocene)
Japan: Hotohama (2010 - 2011), Hotohama (2011 - 2012)
Kenya: Asembo
Madagascar: Réserve Spéciale Analamazaotra, Réserve Spéciale Ambohitantely
Malaysia: Wang Kelian State Park (small mammals, October/November 2011), Ulu Gombak Forest Reserve, Kuala Lumpur, Lambir Hills National Park (primary forest mammals), Lambir Hills National Park (new fallow mammals), MARDI Hilir Perak (ground), Jerangau (ground), Carey Island, SB Forest Experiment, Tasek Bera (2014), Endau Rompin National Park
Mexico: Molas, Huamuchil (rodents), El Zapotal (terrestrial mammals)
Nicaragua: Siuna (mammals, secondary forest), Siuna (mammals, allspice)
Niger: Niamey
Nigeria: Zaria
North Korea: Chongphadae Cave (Late Pleistocene)
Pakistan: Hafizabad District
Papua New Guinea: Crater Mountain Biological Research Station (trapping session 1), Crater Mountain Biological Research Station (trapping session 2), Crater Mountain Biological Research Station (trapping session 3), Crater Mountain Biological Research Station (trapping session 4), Balof Shelter (Horizon I) (Holocene), Balof Shelter (Horizon II) (Holocene), Balof Shelter (Horizon III) (Holocene), Balof Shelter (Horizon IV) (Holocene), Balof Shelter (Horizon V) (Late Pleistocene), Balof Shelter (Horizon VI) (Late Pleistocene), Balof Shelter (Horizon VII) (Late Pleistocene), Kiowa Rockshelter (Level 5) (Holocene), Kiowa Rockshelter (Level 6) (Holocene), Kiowa Rockshelter (Level 12) (Late Pleistocene)
Philippines: Mount Santo Tomas (Mossy Forest), Mount Santo Tomas (Pine Forest), Mount Santo Tomas (Agricultural Land), Mount Cetaceo (1300 m), San Jose, Mt. Tapulao (Site 5)
Portugal: Centre of Environmental Biology Field Station, Grãndola Hills
Senegal: Dielmo
Syria: Yahmool Agricultural Research Station
Taiwan: Taichung City
Tanzania: Usevia Open Area (1998), Zaraninge Forest (dry season), Zaraninge Forest (wet season), Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve (2000 m)
Thailand: Srinakarin Dam (cage traps), Bothong District, Trend Site, Buriram Province (rice field), Salak Phra Wildlife Sanctuary (lowland bamboo forest, night period), Buriram Province (house)
Tunisia: Meninx (Holocene)
Turkey: Dicle University Campus
Uganda: Lunyo Forest
United Arab Emirates: Early ed-Dur (50 BC - 150 AD) (Holocene)
United States: Park Ranger Station No. 1, Memphis, Glenn Dale, Raleigh-Durham
Vietnam: Nui Lang Bian (dry season, ground), Cat Tien National Park (Afzelia transect, December 2005-early January 2006, ground), Ma Da Forest (ground), An Son (Holocene)
Zambia: Lusaka (south area, 2011)
See also Rattus andamanensis, Rattus argentiventer, Rattus everetti, Rattus exulans, Rattus fuscipes, Rattus haasi, Rattus hoffmanni, Rattus leucopus, Rattus losea, Rattus lutreolus, Rattus marmosurus, Rattus mordax, Rattus niobe, Rattus nitidus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus omichlodes, Rattus praetor, Rattus pyctoris, Rattus rattus, Rattus richardsoni, Rattus sordidus, Rattus sp., Rattus spp., Rattus steini, Rattus tanezumi, Rattus tiomanicus, Rattus tunneyi, Rattus verecundus, Rattus villosissimus