Felis silvestris (carnivore)
Variant names: Felis sylvestris

Mass: 4.5 kg based on Potocnik et al. 2002 and Stuart 1981

Diet: carnivore based on Stuart 1981 and Stuart 1981

Abundance: 0.03 to 7.03% (median 0.29%)

Latitudinal range: 36.8° to 55.7°

Habitats: (25), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (3)

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Found in 28 samples

Bulgaria: Osogovo Mountain (intensive study), Osogovo Mountain (opportunistic study)

Denmark: Smakkerup Huse (Holocene)

France: Les Auzières 2 (Late Pleistocene), Les Canalettes (Layer 3) (Late Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit II) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit III) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Units IV and V) (Middle Pleistocene), Romain-la-Roche (Middle Pleistocene), Payre (ensemble F) (Middle Pleistocene), Payre (ensemble D) (Late Pleistocene), Lunel-Viel (level 9) (Middle Pleistocene)

Italy: Caverna degli Orsi (sondage A, Unit 11.1) (Late Pleistocene), Riparo Biarzo (SU 4 + 3B) (Holocene), Riparo Biarzo (SU 3A) (Holocene), La Sassa Cave (Late Pleistocene), Grotta Cucgiliana (Late Pleistocene)

Poland: Raj Cave (layer 4) (Late Pleistocene), Borsuka Cave (Layer III) (Holocene), Borsuka Cave (Layer II) (Holocene)

Portugal: Gruta de Figueira Brava (Area C) (Late Pleistocene)

Spain: Imanolen Arrobia (Late Pleistocene), Cueva del Angel (Late Pleistocene), El Mirador Cave (Holocene), Cueva de Nerja (Last Glacial Maximum) (Late Pleistocene), Cueva de Nerja (Tardiglacial) (Late Pleistocene), Cueva de Nerja (Early Holocene) (Holocene)

Turkey: Yaylacik Research Forest

Size measurements:
♀ body mass3500 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♀ body mass4500 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♀ body mass3700 kgN = 10Stuart 1981
♂ body mass6500 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass6000 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass5100 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass4600 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass5700 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass3100 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass5000 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass6000 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass4900 kgN = 10Stuart 1981
♀ ear length64 mmN = 15Stuart 1981
♂ ear length62 mmN = 20Stuart 1981
♀ head and body length550 mmN = 15Stuart 1981
♂ head and body length601 mmN = 21Stuart 1981
♀ hind foot length133 mmN = 14Stuart 1981
♂ hind foot length138 mmN = 21Stuart 1981
♀ skull length96 mmN = 7Stuart 1981
♂ skull length102 mmN = 18Stuart 1981
♀ tail length295 mmN = 16Stuart 1981
♂ tail length305 mmN = 21Stuart 1981
head and body length508 mmN = 1Ward 1926
head and body length533 mmN = 1Ward 1926
skull width67.3 mmN = 1Ward 1926
tail length289 mmN = 1Ward 1926
♀ body mass3500 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♀ body mass4500 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♀ body mass3700 kgN = 10Stuart 1981
♂ body mass6500 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass6000 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass5100 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass4600 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass5700 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass3100 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass5000 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass6000 kgN = 1Potocnik et al. 2002
♂ body mass4900 kgN = 10Stuart 1981
♀ ear length64 mmN = 15Stuart 1981
♂ ear length62 mmN = 20Stuart 1981
♀ head and body length550 mmN = 15Stuart 1981
♂ head and body length601 mmN = 21Stuart 1981
♀ hind foot length133 mmN = 14Stuart 1981
♂ hind foot length138 mmN = 21Stuart 1981
♀ skull length96 mmN = 7Stuart 1981
♂ skull length102 mmN = 18Stuart 1981
♀ tail length295 mmN = 16Stuart 1981
♂ tail length305 mmN = 21Stuart 1981

See also Felis, Felis catus, Felis chaus, Felis lunensis, Felis lybica, Felis margarita, Felis nigripes, Felis sp., Felis spp., Felis teilhardi