Chongphadae Cave
Basic information
Sample name: Chongphadae Cave

Reference: R. S. Choe, K. S. Han, S. C. Kim, C. U, C. U. Ho, and I. Kang. 2020. Late Pleistocene fauna from Chongphadae Cave, Hwangju County, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Quaternary Research 97:42-54 [ER 3780]
Country: North Korea

State: North Hwanghae

Coordinate: 38° 40' 54" N, 125° 47' 30" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.02654

Min Ma: 0.01937

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "a limestone cave located halfway up the hill behind the Chongphadae village... about 40 km south of Pyongyang City"
there are uncalibrated dates of 26,540 BP on deer bone and 19,370 BP on horse bone

Lithology: claystone

Taphonomic context: cave

Habitat comments: from layers 12 and 13
"Mammalian remains were recovered from Layers 3 and 5-15" but only 12 and 13 are definitely Late Pleistocene
calcareous "cave clay deposits, which were transported into the cave by physical and chemical weathering and by aeolian processes"

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 1312 specimens

Years: 1997 - 2005

Sampling comments: "sediments were reduced using sieves and treated with acetic acid"

Sample number: 4095

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-02-23 15:35:11

Modified: 2023-02-23 04:35:11

Abundance distribution
33 species
4 singletons
total count 1312
geometric series index: 43.8
Fisher's α: 6.148
geometric series k: 0.8360
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8880
Shannon's H: 2.5975
Good's u: 0.9970
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Rattus norvegicus6300 g
Apodemus agrarius4
Myodes rufocanus1
"Clethrionomys rufocanus"
Cricetulus barabensis obscurus1823.9 g granivore-invertivore
Alexandromys oeconomus3936.5 g
"Microtus oeconomus"
Microtus brandtioides54
Myospalax psilurus2
Myospalax epsilanus12
Castor fiber3
Ochotona alpina21
Erinaceus sp.1
Panthera tigris21168 kg carnivore
Panthera pardus233 kg carnivore
Panthera spelaea6
Canis mosbachensis11
"Canis variabilis"
Nyctereutes procyonoides14.2 kg invertivore-frugivore
Ursus arctos28156 kg frugivore-carnivore
Mustela sibirica1557 g carnivore-invertivore
"Mustela sibiricus"
Meles leucurus106.0 kg
"Meles meles"
Equus ferus przewalskii135422 kg
"Equus przewalskii"
Equus hemionus59 grazer
Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis68
"Dicerorhinus kirchbergensis"
Coelodonta antiquitatis2
Sus scrofa4054 kg herbivore
Hydropotes inermis17
Capreolus pygargus102
"Capreolus capreolus"
Cervus nippon309103 kg
Cervus elaphus105104 kg
Sinomegaceros sp.200
Naemorhedus goral325 kg
Procapra przewalskii2
"Gazella przewalskii"
Bison sp.24
Macaca mulatta fossilis58.0 kg folivore-frugivore