Bear Creek
Basic information
Sample name: Bear Creek

Sample aka: Eagle Mine

Reference: G. G. Simpson. 1928. A new mammalian fauna from the Fort U-nion of southern Montana. American Museum Novitates 297:1-15 [ER 4105]
Country: United States

State: Montana

County: Carbon

Coordinate: 45.14° N, -109.18° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Scale: quarry

Formation: Fort Union

Time interval: Late Palaeocene

Zone: Clarkforkian

Geography comments: from "the Eagle Mine, about one mile south of Bear Creek in the Red Lodge Coal Field... just above coal vein No. 3 of the local field... about 1500 feet above the base of the Fort Union" (coordinate projected from Bearcreek)
early Clarkforkian according to Rose (1981)

Lithology: claystone

Habitat comments: from a hard "argillaceous" layer "on the roof of" the mine (Simpson) or "a thin carbonaceous clay" (Rose 1981)

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 178 specimens

Years: 1927

Museum: AMNH, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Princeton University

Sampling comments: the metadata are from Simpson, but the faunal list is from Rose (1981) and there was an earlier review by Russell (1967)
discovered by "Dr. J. C. F. Siegfriedt of Bear Creek" on "Nov. 5, 1927" and collected by Siegfriedt and Barnum Brown from "September 10th to 16th, 1927", who "shipped to New York a quantity of matrix from which an even larger number of specimens has since been recovered"
"Some specimens have been obtained from the same horizon in the nearby Foster Mine, but all taxa from there are also known from the Eagle Mine" (Rose 1981)
"In the same layer occur many remains of freshwater molluscs, fishes, turtles, champsosaurs, and crocodiles"

Sample number: 4530

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Modifier no: John Alroy

Created: 2024-12-01 03:48:25

Modified: 2024-12-03 08:30:42

Abundance distribution
20 species
2 singletons
total count 178
geometric series index: 28.8
Fisher's α: 5.782
geometric series k: 0.8069
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8478
Shannon's H: 2.3868
Good's u: 0.9890
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Peradectes sp.1
Palaeosinopa sp.6
Protentomodon ursirivalis6
Aphronorus sp.2
Labidolemur kayi8
Leipsanolestes siegfriedti22
Planetetherium mirabile59
Microsyopidae indet.2
Plesiadapis sp.4
Korth (1984): "Plesiadapis dubius"
Chiromyoides gingerichi1
Secord (2008): "Chiromyoides potior"
Carpolestes nigridens15
type: includes "Carpolestes aquilae" and "Litotherium complicatum" of Simpson (1929)
Dillerlemur pagei = †Phenacolemur pagei6
Thryptacodon pseudarctos10
Phenacodus intermedius2
Thewissen (1990): "Phenacodus primaevus"
Haplomylus palustris5
Gingerich (1995): type; "Haplomylus simpsoni"
Phenacodaptes cf. sabulosus4
Dissacus sp.4
Ectoganus lobdelli4
Viverravus sp.2
Acritoparamys atavus15