Mokra-Western Quarry
Basic information
Sample name: Mokra-Western Quarry

Reference: M. Ivanov. 2008. Early Miocene Amphibians (Caudata, Salientia) from the Mokrá-Western Quarry (Czech Republic) with comments on the evolution of Early Miocene amphibian assemblages in Central Europe. Geobios 41:465-492 [ER 4276]
Country: Czech Republic

Coordinate: 49.27° N, 16.73° E
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Scale: quarry

Time interval: Early Miocene

Zone: MN4

Geography comments: "The Mokrá open-cast mine is located about 12 km ENE of the city of Brno on the Mokrá Plateau (420–450 m a.s.l.), itself situated in the southern part of the Drahany Upland (Moravia, Czech Republic)"

Lithology: claystone

Taphonomic context: fissure fill

Habitat comments: "It is made up predominantly of Devonian carbonates passing into Lower Carboniferous flyschs facies. The western part of the Mokrá Plateau is intensively
"They consist of fine, sandy clays of lacustrine origin with mammal Zone MN 4"
"Both lacustrine clays and faunal assemblage indicate proximity to a freshwater
basin with sandy shores and dense vegetation in rather warm and humid conditions"

Life forms: salamanders,frogs,frogs

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 480 specimens

Museum: Moravian Museum, Brno

Sample number: 4659

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: Nicholas Vine

Modifier no: Nicholas Vine

Created: 2025-02-08 03:48:08

Modified: 2025-02-08 03:49:12

Abundance distribution
13 species
1 singleton
total count 480
geometric series index: 16.4
Fisher's α: 2.463
geometric series k: 0.6377
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7344
Shannon's H: 1.7328
Good's u: 0.9979
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.