Basic information
Sample name: Cairns

Reference: D. Harley, S. Ritchie, D. Phillips, and A. van den Hurk. 2000. Mosquitoe isolates of Ross River virus from Cairns, Queensland, Australia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 62(5):561-565 [ER 2314]
Country: Australia

State: Queensland

Coordinate: 16° 56' S, 145° 46' E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: coordinate based on Cairns

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: inhabited area

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: ground surface

WMT: 29.0

CMT: 20.0

MAP: 2000.0

Habitat comments: seasonally dry forest based on the climate of Cairns
climate data are for Cairns and are from Smout et al. (2016, Veterinary Parasitology)

Life forms: mosquitoes

Sites: 20

Sampling methods: no design,sweep nets,baited,light traps,hand capture

Sample size: 60597 individuals

Years: 1996 - 1998

Days: 19

Net or trap nights: 60

Sampling comments: "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) traps... were baited with 1-octen-3-ol (release rate 5 mg/hr)28 and 500 gm of dry ice. Twenty trapping sites were used, 14 within the city of Cairns. Trapping was on 12 nights during 1996 (early February to late March), 6 nights during 1997 (early February to early April), and 1 night during 1998 (mid February) for a total 60 trap-nights... On 21 days during mid February to early May 1997 daytime sampling for Ae. aegypti was conducted in, around or under houses using either a hand-held battery-powered aspirator29 or a sweep-net"

Sample number: 2457

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-12-31 15:23:09

Modified: 2020-01-14 05:08:33

Abundance distribution
38 species
2 singletons
total count 60597
extrapolated richness: 44.5
Fisher's α: 3.942
geometric series k: 0.7565
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6906
Shannon's H: 1.6201
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.