Basic information
Sample name: Diouboye

Reference: S. A. Dueppen and C. Gokee. 2014. Hunting on the margins of medieval West African states: a preliminary study of the zooarchaeological record at Diouboye, Senegal. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 49(3):354-385 [ER 3766]
Country: Senegal

Coordinate: 14° 0' N, 12° 30' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Holocene

Max Ma: 0.00095

Min Ma: 0.00055

Age basis: radiocarbon (calibrated)

Geography comments: "Diouboye is a linear series of low mounds situated some 500 metres east of the Falémé River in present-day Senegal. The site is located south of the Falémé's junction with the Senegal River (50 km upstream of the town of Bakel)".
"A series of eleven radiocarbon dates on charcoal and millet seeds from all six excavated areas shows that the site was first settled around AD 1000 and abandoned sometime between AD 1300 and 1400".

Lithology: claystone

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,settlement

Archaeology: ceramics,hearths,metal tools,stone tools,other artifacts,other structures

Habitat comments: "Diouboye is dispersed over an area of 12.5 ha and lies at the centre of a settlement system that includes 19 homestead and hamlet sites. Twelve residential areas, some lightly mounded, and four non-residential areas were defined, including two possible middens and two zones formed by post-depositional disturbance. The residential areas comprise concentrations of pottery sherds, ground stone implements and stone features variously interpreted as pot rests, granary bases, hut foundations and possible drying platforms. Compact living surfaces exposed through excavation featured informal hearths with oxidised soil and ash lenses, earthen wall stubs and circular and linear stone foundations similar to those covering the site. Four living surfaces presented cylindrical pits (0.7–1.4 m in diameter) dug by the residents of Diouboye to depths of up to 0.9 m".
"Artefacts from both excavation and surface contexts suggest that daily life within Diouboye revolved around a suite of subsistence, craft and exchange activities. Imported objects, such as glass and carnelian beads, copper ornaments and cowry shells, all attest to participation in long-distance exchange networks. Clear direct evidence for local craft production was slim, but several terracotta spindle whorls, a possible potter’s hand-wheel and a vitrified conical crucible suggest that the occupants of Diouboye may have woven cloth, made pottery and even worked soft metals, either copper or gold. Although the origin of the iron tools remains unknown, these included harpoons and blades, ostensibly for procuring fish and wild game. Ground stone implements and chipped stone debris further hint at plant and animal processing activities".

Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,lizards,turtles,other reptiles,frogs,fishes,clams,snails

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash,surface

Sample size: 259 specimens

Years: 2008 - 2009

Sampling comments: "Excavations in 2008 and 2009 focused on comparing depositional sequences and material assemblages across a sample of seven residential areas and two non-residential areas. Excavations proceeded within 2 × 2 m grid units according to natural stratigraphy, with thicker depositional layers subdivided at arbitrary 10 cm levels. All deposits were screened through 2 mm mesh and systematic flotation samples were collected".
"In total, the Diouboye faunal assemblage includes 47.4 kg of bone from 51.71 m3 of deposit; approximately 1 kg per m3 of excavated volume. Due to the large size of the assemblage, a sample of 54 "field specimen" contexts was selected for the faunal analysis, representing an array of depositional and feature types and distributed among the six excavation areas".

Sample number: 4029

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-10-26 13:37:34

Modified: 2022-10-26 02:50:31

Abundance distribution
39 species
13 singletons
total count 259
extrapolated richness: 75.5
Fisher's α: 12.747
geometric series k: 0.9188
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9429
Shannon's H: 3.1241
Good's u: 0.9500
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Bos taurus25337 kg
also 95 Bovidae indet.
Caprinae indet.17
"Capra hircus/Ovis aries"
Cephalophus rufilatus212 kg
also 23 Aegodontia indet. "Bush duiker/Oribi"
Redunca redunca2244 kg grazer
Kobus kob2277 kg grazer
Tragelaphus scriptus1931 kg browser-grazer
Hippotragus equinus3246 kg grazer
Kobus ellipsiprymnus2210 kg grazer-browser
Syncerus caffer3548 kg grazer-browser
Phacochoerus africanus1182 kg grazer-browser
Hippopotamus amphibius111107 kg grazer
Loxodonta africana12731 kg browser-grazer
Cercopithecinae indet.1
Cricetomys gambianus21.4 kg frugivore-granivore
Lepus sp.1
Canis lupus familiaris843 kg carnivore
Canis adustus29.8 kg carnivore
Lycaon pictus426 kg carnivore
Felis lybica2
"Felis silvestris"
Leptailurus serval110 kg carnivore
Panthera pardus633 kg carnivore
Herpestidae indet.3
also 6 Carnivora indet.
Numida meleagris11.3 kg omnivore
also 26 Phasianoidea indet. "Chicken/Guinea fowl/Francolin"
Anatidae indet.1
Crocodylus sp.19
Varanus sp.7
also 2 Lacertilia indet.
Trionyx triunguis12
also 1 Testudines indet.
Anura indet.1
Achatinidae indet.2
Chambardia sp.1
Etheria elliptica1
also 19 Bivalvia indet.
Lates niloticus20
Tilapia sp.1
also 3 Percomorpha indet. "Nile perch/Tilapia"
Synodontis sp.11
Auchenoglanis sp.3
Clarias sp.8
Bagrus sp.1
Arius gigas1
Chrysichthys sp.1
also 3 Siluriformes indet.