Nannippus (ungulate)

Abundance: 1.48 to 33.33% (median 6.00%)

Latitudinal range: 28.5° to 41.3°

Habitats: (9) only

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Found in 9 samples

United States: Bridge Ranch (Middle Miocene), Buckner Ranch (Middle Miocene), Farish Ranch (Late Miocene), Wolf Ranch (Late Pliocene), Lost Quarry (Late Miocene), Beck Ranch (Early Pliocene), WaKeeney (KU Loc. 29) (Late Miocene), Lemoyne Quarry (Late Miocene), Red Light (TMM 40857) (Late Pliocene)

See also Nannippus beckensis, Nannippus lenticularis, Nannippus peninsulatus, Nannippus sp.