Nyssa (tree)

Abundance: 0.50 to 96.55% (median 4.05%)

Latitudinal range: 31.3° to 38.7°

Habitats: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (19), temperate wetland (3)

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Found in 22 samples

United States: Abner's Hollow, Henry M. Wright Preserve, Kisatchie National Forest (longleaf-oak), Kisatchie National Forest (oak-beech-magnolia-sweetgum forest), Kisatchie National Forest (wet creek bottom), Kisatchie National Forest (upland depression), Tar Kiln, Crabhaul, Pate, Sunrise Towhead Island, Stewart State Forest (H), Stewart State Forest (NH), Highlands, Marshall Forest Preserve, Bent Creek, Hill Forest State Natural Area, Bonayer Forest, Sipsey Wilderness, Seashore State Park (mesic forest plots), Bottom Gorge Creek, Pogue Creek Natural Area, Oakmulgee Ranger District

See also Nyssa aquatica, Nyssa biflora, Nyssa sylvatica