Falco (bird)

Abundance: 0.00 to 2.49% (median 0.03%)

Latitudinal range: -42.6° to 64.9°

Habitats: (12), Mediterranean woodland (1), boreal forest/taiga (1), desert/xeric shrubland (1), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (3), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (1), tropical/subtropical wetland (1)

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Found in 20 samples

Australia: Titan's Shelter (Site F) (Late Pleistocene), Amphitheatre Cave (Holocene)

China: Foping National Nature Reserve (2020)

Egypt: Burullus Ringing Station (Autumn 2005)

France: Romain-la-Roche (Middle Pleistocene)

Greece: Antikythira Island (spring 1998)

Guatemala: Puerto Barrios (mist netted birds)

Mexico: El Zurdo (Holocene)

Russia: Mezmaiskaya Cave (Layer 2B) (Late Pleistocene)

Serbia: Garicin Grad (southeast corner tower, second phase) (Holocene)

Spain: Cueva de Nerja (Tardiglacial) (Late Pleistocene), Cueva de Nerja (Early Holocene) (Holocene)

Sudan: Gala Abu Ahmed (Holocene)

Switzerland: Portalban (Wald)

Ukraine: Grot Skeliastyi (III-3B) (Late Pleistocene)

United Kingdom: Wanstead

United States: Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge (fall), Camarillo, Meyer Cave (Holocene), Star Valley (IMNH Locality 67001) (Late Miocene)

See also Falco cenchroides, Falco peregrinus, Falco rufigularis, Falco sp., Falco sparverius, Falco subbuteo, Falco tinnunculus, Falco vespertinus