Las Gamas (EB)
Basic information
Sample name: Las Gamas (EB)

Sample aka: Cuña Boscosa

Reference: G. A. Montero, N. L. Carnevale, and G. Marga. 2011. Ensambles estacionales de artropodos epigeos en un bosque de quebracho (Schinopsis balansae) en el Chaco Humedo. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia 37(2):294-304 [ER 123]
Country: Argentina

State: Santa Fe

Coordinate: 29° 28' S, 60° 28' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest

Altered habitat: secondary forest

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 20.0

MAP: 900.0

Habitat comments: "clima templado-hùmedo" with MAP 800 to 1000 mm

Life forms: spiders,ants,beetles,ground beetles,scarab beetles,other insects,other arthropods

Site area: 400

Sampling methods: pitfall traps

Sample size: 937 individuals

Years: 2003, 2004

Days: 5

Seasons: winter,spring,summer

Nets or traps: 60

Net or trap nights: 300

Sampling comments: Soil Sampling: The study was carried out in both elevated areas (EB) and plains (PS). In each area, 5 sampling points of 16 m2 (4 x4 m) were placed.
Macroarthropods Sampling: In July (winter), October (spring) and February (summer) four pitfall traps (11 cm in diameter) were placed in each sampling area (p. 295)
JA: total sampling effort was "600 trampa-día [2 micrositios × 5 âreas/micrositio × 4 trampa/ârea × 3 estaciones × 5 días/estación = 600 trampa-día]"

Sample number: 289

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: Albert Garcia Selles

Created: 2013-04-10 10:12:18

Modified: 2016-12-05 10:02:56

Abundance distribution
48 species
19 singletons
total count 937
extrapolated richness: 99.0
Fisher's α: 10.707
geometric series k: 0.8840
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8138
Shannon's H: 2.3102
Good's u: 0.9797
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.