Iguaçu National Park
Basic information
Sample name: Iguaçu National Park
Reference: M. X. da Silva, A. Paviolo, L. R. Tambosi, and R. Pardini. 2018. Effectiveness of Protected Areas for biodiversity conservation: Mammal occupancy patterns in the Iguaçu National Park, Brazil. Journal for Nature Conservation 41:51-62 [ER 3015]
Country: Brazil
State: Paranâ
Coordinate: -25.6° S, -54.3° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map
Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest
Protection: national/state park
Substrate: ground surface
Disturbance: hunting
MAT: 20.7
MAP: 1712.0
Habitat comments: "covered mostly by semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest and by the highly threatened Araucaria Forest in its northern part... humid temperate without a dry season"
there is illegal hunting in the park
there is illegal hunting in the park
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals
Sampling methods: no design,automatic cameras
Sample size: 1205 captures or sightings
Years: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013
Nets or traps: 37
Net or trap nights: 9360
Camera type: analog
Cameras paired: yes
Trap spacing: 4
Sampling comments: there was "a regular grid established on the western part of the INP. In total, we established 37 sites 4 km apart from each other, covering around 300 km2... In each of 37 sites, we installed two camera-traps 40 cm above ground level. We monitored all the sites simultaneously during three periods of three months each in three different years (from July to October 2009, from October 2010 to January 2011, and from February to May 2013)... we visited the sites every 20 days to replace films, batteries, silicon"
Sample number: 3246
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2019-03-07 20:57:36
Modified: 2019-03-07 09:57:36
Abundance distribution
26 species
2 singletons
total count 1205
geometric series index: 31.0
Fisher's α: 4.681
geometric series k: 0.8065
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9111
Shannon's H: 2.6893
Good's u: 0.9983
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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Mazama americana | 155 | 26 kg frugivore-browser |
Mazama nana | 30 | |
Dicotyles tajacu | 57 | 21 kg |
"Pecari tajacu" | ||
Nasua nasua | 92 | 4.4 kg invertivore-frugivore |
Leopardus pardalis | 96 | 8.4 kg carnivore |
Eira barbara | 37 | 4.3 kg frugivore-carnivore |
Puma concolor | 46 | 49 kg carnivore |
Panthera onca | 30 | 65 kg carnivore |
Herpailurus yagouaroundi | 15 | 5.4 kg carnivore |
"Puma yagouaroundi" | ||
Canis lupus familiaris | 23 | 43 kg carnivore |
"Canis familiaris" | ||
Procyon cancrivorus | 11 | 5.0 kg carnivore-frugivore |
Leopardus guttulus | 5 | 2.4 kg |
Leopardus wiedii | 4 | 2.6 kg carnivore |
Cerdocyon thous | 4 | 5.2 kg carnivore-frugivore |
Galictis cuja | 2 | carnivore-insectivore |
Dasypus novemcinctus | 57 | 4.4 kg invertivore |
Cabassous tatouay | 1 | |
Euphractus sexcinctus | 3 | 4.7 kg |
Didelphis aurita | 90 | 1.1 kg invertivore-frugivore |
Sylvilagus brasiliensis | 45 | |
Tapirus terrestris | 128 | 198 kg browser-frugivore |
Myrmecophaga tridactyla | 19 | 29 kg insectivore |
Tamandua tetradactyla | 1 | 4.8 kg insectivore |
Dasyprocta azarae | 216 | 2.5 kg |
Cuniculus paca | 31 | 7.4 kg frugivore |
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris | 7 | 58 kg grazer-browser |