Red Light (TMM 40664)
Basic information
Sample name: Red Light (TMM 40664)

Reference: W. A. Akersten. 1970. Red Light local fauna (Blancan) of the Love Formation, southeastern Hudspeth County, Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum 20:1-53 [ER 4185]
Country: United States

State: Texas

County: Hudspeth

Coordinate: 30.88° N, -105.28° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Scale: outcrop

Formation: Love

Time interval: Late Pliocene

Zone: Blancan

Ma: 3.2

Age basis: AEO

Geography comments: "on the John D. Bramblett Ranch, southeastern Hudspeth County" (coordinate estimate from Fig. 2 using Google Maps)
"a continuous exposure of a thick section... Measured section RL-1 is at this locality"

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "mostly interbedded fluvial silt, sand, and gravel. Much of the gravel and some of the sand is indurated. In the northeast part of TMM 40664 these fluvial sediments are interbedded with reddish silty clay"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals

Sample size: 59 specimens

Museum: Texas Memorial Museum

Sampling comments: fishes, frogs, turtles, lizards, snakes, and birds are present somewhere in the Red Light field area

Sample number: 4649

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Modifier no: John Alroy

Created: 2025-01-09 09:56:25

Modified: 2025-01-09 10:07:26

Abundance distribution
16 species
4 singletons
total count 59
geometric series index: 30.2
Fisher's α: 7.220
geometric series k: 0.8473
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8951
Shannon's H: 2.4966
Good's u: 0.9339
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Paramylodon sp.2
Glyptotherium texanum2
Cratogeomys sp.1
Canis lepophagus4
Borophagus sp.1
Homotherium sp.1
"Ischyrosmilus sp.": compared to "Ischryosmilus johnstoni" (= Homotherium)
Felidae indet.6
Werdelin (1985): either lacustris or rexroadensis, which are in different genera; "Felis cf. rexroadensis"
Mammutidae indet.4
"mastodont": plus "numerous enamel and ivory fragments"
Platygonus bicalcaratus3
Hemiauchenia sp.4
"Tanupolama sp.": small
Tanupolama blancoensis = †Hemiauchenia blancoensis2
Blancocamelus meadei1
Dalquest (1975): "undescribed long-limbed camel"
Camelops sp.3
Equus aff. scotti = †Equus aff. excelsus9
Equus (Plesippus) cf. simplicidens12
Equus cumminsi = †Equus cumminsii4