Lopé Reserve Site 3
Basic information
Sample name: Lopé Reserve Site 3
Sample aka: Lopé National Park
Reference: L. J. T. White. 1992. Vegetation history and logging disturbance: effects on rain forest in the Lope Reserve, Gabon (with special emphasis on elephants and apes). University of Edinburgh [ER 44]
Country: Gabon
Coordinate: 0° 10' S, 11° 35' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Geography comments: coordinate and altitude range of 100 to 200 m for the reserve are based on Voysey et al. (1999, Journal of Tropical Ecology)
Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest
Protection: national/state park
Substrate: ground surface
Disturbance: selective logging
WMT: 28.0
CMT: 23.6
MAP: 1532.0
Habitat comments: "Consistently low rainfallinJulyandAugustconstitutes a"majordry season", which i s a feature of the annual cycle, although the timing of i t s onset and its duration varies between years; December to February are generally relatively dry months, but no distinct second dry season can be defined" (p. 11)
Between 1 and 2 ha were logged by SOFORGA Logging Consecion 3-5 years before the study
climate data are for the reserve and are from Tutin et al. (1991, Journal of Tropical Ecology)
Between 1 and 2 ha were logged by SOFORGA Logging Consecion 3-5 years before the study
climate data are for the reserve and are from Tutin et al. (1991, Journal of Tropical Ecology)
Life forms: trees
Sites: 1
Site length: 5000
Site width: 1
Sampling methods: line transect
Sample size: 1527 individuals
Years: 1989-1991
Size min: 10
Basal area: 30.1846
Sampling comments: basal area for the top 10 species is 196.2 per 5 ha and this makes up 65% of the total; sites are 0.5 ha, so the total is divided by 10
Sample number: 81
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: Albert Garcia Selles
Created: 2013-02-18 11:57:21
Modified: 2017-11-11 07:40:51
Abundance distribution
180 species
65 singletons
total count 1527
geometric series index: 366.7
Fisher's α: 53.029
geometric series k: 0.9706
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9607
Shannon's H: 4.1036
Good's u: 0.9575
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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