Theobroma cacao (tree)

Abundance: 0.01 to 2.56% (median 0.23%)

Latitudinal range: -14.4° to 9.2°

Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (3), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (4)

Biogeographic distribution: Neotropic, Central America, South America

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Found in 7 samples

Bolivia: Buena Vista (BV)

Brazil: Igapó

Ghana: Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (2000)

Nigeria: Idi-Ose

Panama: Gatun Lake Islands, Barro Colorado Island

Peru: Braga-Supay (high restinga)

See also Theobroma, Theobroma grandiflorum, Theobroma guianensis, Theobroma mariae, Theobroma microcarpum, Theobroma paraense, Theobroma sp., Theobroma speciosum, Theobroma subincanum, Theobroma sylvestris, Theobroma velutina